
Also known as

Collapsible panel, Concertina, Expansion panel
Available since

Accordion displays a panel that the user can expand or collapse to show or hide content and control the complexity of a given view.


By default, Accordion is a single element the user can expand or collapse to show or hide content within a panel.

You can place accordions in an accordion group, which allows multiple accordions to be open at the same time.

You can use Accordion's controlled API to allow only one accordion to be expanded at a time.

Use the disabled prop to disable an accordion. The user can't expand, collapse or focus a disabled accordion.

Use the indicatorSide prop to customise which side the indicator is displayed in accordion header.

The chevron indicator icon in the Accordion header can be displayed on the right-hand side by setting the indicatorSide prop to right. Note that the content left aligns to the text in accordion header, so moving the indicator to the right side will also change the content's left padding.

Positioning the indicator icon on the right side may be suitable if you are:

  • Using descriptive icons consistently next to accordion labels.
  • Building mobile experiences, where the chevron is often displayed within (right-hand) thumb reach.
  • Implementing a drag-and-drop reorder behaviour, and building a drag handle into the left side of each Accordion.

The right position should be avoided:

  • In exceptionally wide accordions for accessibility to ensure the chevron is visible next to the label on browser zoom.
  • Where there is heavy use of form fields, to clearly distinguish the accordion from surrounding fields and clearly identify form sections.

The indicator icon is positioned on the far right of the accordion. Additional elements, such as a secondary label or validation icons (error, warning, success), will be positioned between the accordion label and the chevron icon.

You can set a status of "error", "warning" or "success" for an accordion to indicate the type of content it contains.

You can use an inline badge to indicate a change, or several changes, to the content within the accordion.

You can add additional labels to provide extra context using the Text and Stack Layout components.

You can use Accordion's controlled API to implement custom behaviour e.g. expand/collapse all.