Calendar enables users to quickly navigate to and select a single date or range of dates. Currently all date based controls, need to be wrapped in a LocalizationProvider
Note: This tab list includes overflow; tab positions may be inaccurate or change when a tab is selected
The Calendar component is typically not used on its own but is composed with other components to build more user-friendly components such as DatePicker.
If focus is within the navigation bar, Tab moves focus to the next
focusable element in the calendar. - If focus is on a day, Tab moves focus
to the next focusable component.
Shift + Tab
This action moves focus to the previous focusable component within the
calendar. - If focus is on the previous month arrow button, Shift + Tab
moves focus to the previous focusable component.
Arrow keys
If a calendar day has focus, arrow keys move focus left, right, up, or
down to a parallel day. - If focus is inside the Month or Year
dropdown menu list, arrow keys move focus to the previous or next list item.
When focus is on the first or last list item, it wraps, respectively, to the
bottom or top of the list.
Enter / Space
If the left or right arrow button has focus, this action navigates the
calendar to the previous or next month respectively. Focus remains on the
button. - If a calendar date has focus, this action selects the date. - If a
calendar date has focus and there is a start date selected in a date range,
this action activates the end date field and keeps focus on the calendar
dates. - If focus is on the Month or Year button, this action
activates the menu, displays a dropdown menu list, and moves focus inside
the list. - If focus is inside a dropdown menu list, this action selects the
item with focus, closes the list, and returns focus to the Month or
Year button.
If the Month or Year dropdown menu list has focus, Escape closes
the list and returns focus to the Month or Year button.
The Calendar component is typically not used on its own but is composed with other components to build more user-friendly components such as DatePicker.
If focus is within the navigation bar, Tab moves focus to the next
focusable element in the calendar. - If focus is on a day, Tab moves focus
to the next focusable component.
Shift + Tab
This action moves focus to the previous focusable component within the
calendar. - If focus is on the previous month arrow button, Shift + Tab
moves focus to the previous focusable component.
Arrow keys
If a calendar day has focus, arrow keys move focus left, right, up, or
down to a parallel day. - If focus is inside the Month or Year
dropdown menu list, arrow keys move focus to the previous or next list item.
When focus is on the first or last list item, it wraps, respectively, to the
bottom or top of the list.
Enter / Space
If the left or right arrow button has focus, this action navigates the
calendar to the previous or next month respectively. Focus remains on the
button. - If a calendar date has focus, this action selects the date. - If a
calendar date has focus and there is a start date selected in a date range,
this action activates the end date field and keeps focus on the calendar
dates. - If focus is on the Month or Year button, this action
activates the menu, displays a dropdown menu list, and moves focus inside
the list. - If focus is inside a dropdown menu list, this action selects the
item with focus, closes the list, and returns focus to the Month or
Year button.
If the Month or Year dropdown menu list has focus, Escape closes
the list and returns focus to the Month or Year button.
The Calendar component is typically not used on its own but is composed with other components to build more user-friendly components such as DatePicker.
If focus is within the navigation bar, Tab moves focus to the next
focusable element in the calendar. - If focus is on a day, Tab moves focus
to the next focusable component.
Shift + Tab
This action moves focus to the previous focusable component within the
calendar. - If focus is on the previous month arrow button, Shift + Tab
moves focus to the previous focusable component.
Arrow keys
If a calendar day has focus, arrow keys move focus left, right, up, or
down to a parallel day. - If focus is inside the Month or Year
dropdown menu list, arrow keys move focus to the previous or next list item.
When focus is on the first or last list item, it wraps, respectively, to the
bottom or top of the list.
Enter / Space
If the left or right arrow button has focus, this action navigates the
calendar to the previous or next month respectively. Focus remains on the
button. - If a calendar date has focus, this action selects the date. - If a
calendar date has focus and there is a start date selected in a date range,
this action activates the end date field and keeps focus on the calendar
dates. - If focus is on the Month or Year button, this action
activates the menu, displays a dropdown menu list, and moves focus inside
the list. - If focus is inside a dropdown menu list, this action selects the
item with focus, closes the list, and returns focus to the Month or
Year button.
If the Month or Year dropdown menu list has focus, Escape closes
the list and returns focus to the Month or Year button.