
Also known as

Modal, Modal dialog, Overlay, Popup
Available since

Dialog is a window that opens over the application content, focusing the user’s attention on a particular task or piece of information. It can communicate new information, errors, warnings, or successful completion of a process or task.


The dialog displays with a header, content area, and action bar. The component is modal, meaning it prevents interaction with the rest of the UI while open and must be addressed by clicking one of the action buttons or dismissing with the close button. If the content of the dialog extends beyond the end of the screen, the DialogContent area will become scrollable.

Dialog has 3 sizes: small, medium and large. The size you should choose depends on the amount of content you have. The widths of all three dialog sizes are responsive to the Salt breakpoints. This ensures the dialog remains entirely visible in the viewport and its size is optimized for the viewport size (e.g., dialogs appear larger within smaller viewports for ease of visibility).

Choose the appropriate dialog size for the scenario.

Dialog sizes are typically used for different scenarios:

  • Small dialogs are used for simple alerts, quick selections or confirmations that require either no or quick action from the user.
  • Medium dialogs contain additional components or layouts such as grouped preferences that require increased user input.
  • Large dialogs usually contain more complex layouts and can display a series of tasks to complete, such as a form within a wizard.
BreakpointSmall (% width)Medium (% width)Large (% width)
Extra large (>1920px) / Large (1280-1919px)24%48%72%
Medium (960-1279px)36%68%84%
Small (600-959px)56%84%96%
Extra small (0-599px)100%100%100%
BreakpointSmall (% width)Medium (% width)Large (% width)
Extra large (>1920px) - Small48%72%84%
Extra small (0-599px)48%100%100%

For default dialogs, you can pass the accent prop to DialogHeader which accepts a boolean to render an accent bar in the header of the dialog. You cannot render the accent bar when a status is also being rendered.

You can also render the DialogCloseButton as a child of the Dialog component to render a close button in the top right corner of the dialog. You can pass the onClick prop like with any Button component to handle the close button click.

You can use the optional preheader prop to render a preheader above the main header of your dialog

Use the info status when you need to display general information.

An info icon displays alongside a header and supporting message.

Don’t use the info dialog when the information concerns an issue. Instead, use the error or warning dialog.

Don’t use the info dialog when the information concerns a successful action. Instead, use the success dialog.

Use the error status to communicate a critical issue that prevents the user from continuing or completing it.

An error icon displays alongside a header and supporting message.

Don’t use the error dialog when the issue does not prevent the user from completing their task. Instead, use the warning dialog.

Use the warning status to inform users of an issue or potential issue related to their current task. Use this for issues that does not prevent the user from continuing or completing their task.

A warning icon displays alongside a header and supporting message.

Don’t use the warning dialog when the issue prevents the user from completing their task. Instead, use the error dialog.

Use the success status to confirm that a user's action has been completed successfully.

A success icon displays alongside a header and supporting message.

Use the disableDismiss prop to prevent a click away dismissing the dialog.

This forces a user to action something within the dialog.

Use the disableScrim prop to prevent the scrim from rendering.