
Also known as

Cascading Menu
Available since

Menu is a container that presents a selection of choices or actions for a user to choose from. The user opens it with a customizable trigger, e.g., an interactive element such as a button, or an interaction, such as right mouse click or keyboard shortcut.

  • Menu items should relate to the interactive element or interaction that triggers the menu.
  • When you need to display a list of actions or options.
  • When you have limited space and need to display overflow action in a list.
  • When you need to display secondary or less important information and actions inside a trigger element.
  • Always use sentence case for menu item labels.
  • Keep menu item labels short and concise.
  • Use an ellipsis at the end of a menu item label for actions that will require more information from the user to complete. For example, "Open file..." requires the user to choose a file.

To import Menu and related components from the core Salt package, use:
