
Lab component

Also known as

Tab, Tabstrip, Tab bar, Tab set

TabNext and TabstripNext switch between different but related content. Users can move between different views without the need to leave the current page. A tabstrip comprises a minimum of two tabs, with one tab actively engaged at any given moment. The active tab is differentiated from an inactive tab by a colored indicator either on the top or bottom edge of the tab, depending on the variant in use. These tabstrips can expand the full width of the page or be used within content areas, or within components such as dialogs, cards, and drawers.

  • Use tabs to organize logically related but mutually exclusive content on a single page.
  • Use tabstrips to prevent users from navigating to another page to complete a task.
  • Don’t use tabstrips when users need to compare information between views.
  • Don’t use tabstrips to communicate progress. Instead, use Stepped Tracker.
  • Don’t use tabstrips for primary navigation, taking the user off the current page. Instead, use Navigation Item.
  • All labels should be short and concise.
  • Labels should clearly communicate the underlying view.
  • Always use sentence case in labels.
  • Always use sentence case for badge labels when nesting in a tab.
  • Do not wrap labels. Use truncation with Tooltip if necessary.
  • Icon and text should match each other semantically.

To import TabNext and TapstripNext from the lab Salt package, use:
